Monday, April 20, 2009

short run 4/20/09

Man, I do not like taking a break from running!  Its always twice as hard to get started again.  Well, today I said enuf was enuf and went right after work (it helps that it was absolutely f-ing gorgeous in Portland today).  Just decided to see how far I could get on the Springwater from our house in 30 min, then turn around and come back.  I made it to Utmalia and 17th (in Sellwood), which is about 4 miles.  I took a little breather there and stretched, then headed back.  I did a total of about 8 miles in less than 90 minutes.  Not bad, but my pace was all over the place.  If I'm going to run the 1/2 marathon like I want to, I've got to get out there and put in some solid 10 mi runs and a few 15 milers to get comfortable with 13.  Well, I've got till June 13th (Helvetia Half) to get in the groove.  Wish me luck.